
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 07:29:46
A marketing strategy focuses on increasing sales and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. A sustainable competitive advantage is created by investing in marketing strategies that generate significant revenues and profits which provide the business with increased economies of scale, and improved cash flow Marketing strategies are dynamic and interactive and are developed by marketers who understand the basic needs and benefits
of their product or service. A marketing strategy must be well thought out and requires a detailed understanding of the current environment. The formulation of a marketing strategy also includes conducting research and data analysis to gather appropriate information. Surveys and software programs are also used to gather information about the marketplace.The marketing strategy is developed in conjunction with a company’s business goals. It includes a definition of the business,a description of the products or services, a profile of the


营销策略的重点是扩大销售的同时实现持续的竞争优势.持续的竞争优势建立在对企业产生可观的收入和利润从而企业提供更多的经济规模和资金流的营销策略的投资上. 营销策略是动态的,交互的,由了解市场的基本需求需要和他们自己产品或服务优势的营销者们制定.营销策略的制定,必须经过深思熟虑,和对当前环境的细致了解.营销策略的制定还需要进行调查和数据分析,来收集有用的信息。调查和软件程序常常被用来收集市场信息.营销策略还和公司业务目标有关.它包括对业务的定义,对产品或服务的描述,目标用户或客户的资料以及对公司在竞争关系中角色的定位.营销策略本质上是被公司用来制定有效市场计划的文件.换句话说,一个公司的营销策略就是对公司产品和在竞争中定位的概括.尽管制定营销策略需要考虑很多,将目光主要集中在不可控制的因素—基本来说有顾客,竞争者,公司的能力以及公司自身上,是很有必要的.按照弗雷德・罗杰斯说,这四个不可控制的可变因素构成了战略导向营销责任特别是对新市场计划的确认和准备的主要因素.可控制因素,例如产品,价格,地点,促销,在麦卡锡的4 P’s已经做了很好的解释.公司需要决定什么是它的产品,卖多少钱,在哪里卖以及如何加以推广~
