
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 16:00:12
莆田市的旅游景点多,旅游资源丰富,风景名胜和文物古迹有250多处,被列为各级重点文物保护单位有197处。其中,有国家级重点文物保护单位2处,省级8处,市级20处,县(区)级167处,湄洲岛上的妈祖庙遐迩文明,四海共仰;三教祖祠是唯我独有;湄洲妈祖祖庙和三教祖祠在全国、东南亚及世界许多国家和地区都有重要的影响;九鲤湖风景区以湖、 洞、 瀑、 石四奇称著, 是 “福建三绝” 之一……
莆田市历史上素有“ 文献名邦” 之誉, 自唐代以来的1200多年间 ,人才荟萃 ,名人辈出 ,在各个时期勇领风骚 ,垂范后人 ,出现林默、 林兆恩 、蔡襄 、郑樵 、刘克庄等一批历史文化名人, 还有许多至今传为佳话的科甲风流 。诸如“一家九刺史”,“一门五学士”,“兄弟两宰相”,“魁亚占双标”,“ 一方文武魁天下”,“六部尚书占五部”。还有保持唐章宋韵的莆仙方言被誉为“ 南戏活化石 ”的莆仙戏。

Pu Tian City , alternative name "Xing Hua City", are located in Fujian Province east littoral, have jurisdiction over Cheng Xiang District , Han Jiang District, Li urban area , elegant islet four area of area , one counties of Xian You and river bank continent island opening policy tour economic zones. Population 2,989,700, population density is 780 people/ squares kilometers , almost 3 times higher than whole province, immortal dialect going through Pu. The whole city has 30 national minority. The Pu Tian City scenic spot is many , the tour is abound in natural resources, the scenery famous place for scenery or historical relics and cultural relics and historic sites are had more than 250 places , all of the various levels priority preservation of cultural relics unit is listed as having 197 places. Among them, have the state-class priority preservation of cultural relics unit to save 8 step of places , 20 step of city places 2 places ,167 step of counties and districts p