
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 07:20:07
Your baby's arms and legs are a little shaky, especially when he cries or becomes distressed.He tends to keep his arms and legs bent and very close to his body, as he did in the womb.Sometimes he is settled in your arms, at other times he wriggles about.
Your baby is born with reflexes (automatic reactions) that help him explore.If you place your finger along the palm of his open hand, he immediately wraps his fingers around it.He may reach out towards you in an undoordinated way during feeding.
Your newborn is an active thinker and explorer, although he spends most of his first day asleep.His vision is set to focus at around 25 cm (10 in) from his face, enabling him to look at you closely during feeding.
Your newborn cries loudly when he is miserable or hungry.His hearing is finely tuned to pick up the sound frequencies of a human voice.He makes noises in his sleep, some so loud that he wakes himself up.
Your new baby has a basic emo

你的宝宝有被爱和被肯定的情感需求。你们初次相见的时候,那种强烈的双方的感情纽带可能不会立即形成。 他会在你的呵护下成长并在你们皮肤接近时,紧紧地依偎在你身上。
20:53那位同志用的是google 的翻译

你的宝宝的胳膊和腿有些抖动,当他哭泣和不开心的时候,抖动会更厉害。他倾向于将四肢弯曲使其贴近自己的身体,就像他在子宫里时那样。有时他在你的怀里,有时他四处蠕动。(Your baby is born with reflexes (automatic reactions) that help him explore这句不清楚)。如果你把手指放到他打开的手掌上,他会立刻攥住你的手指。当你喂他食物时,他会对你伸手,企图挣脱。



新生儿有被你爱和重视的情感需求。这建立了双方坚实的感情纽带。( may or may not begin from the first moment you and he meet这句译不好)当你关注它时,他会很活分,当你紧紧地,皮肤接触地,抱着他时,他会很依偎~~~
