descride an interesting thing about you的作文怎么写

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 10:17:34

是【describe】 an interesting thing about you吧··


你可以从你的生活当中选一件有趣的事情来写啊 只要是你参与过的 或者是你亲身经历的事情 比如自己出去玩的时候 发生的一些趣事 或者自己不小心弄巧成拙逗得大家哈哈大笑的趣事~或者自己性格当中很幽默的一方面~~等等~

很好写的吧 都是与自己有关的 不需要很复杂的语言语法 只要叙述清楚事情的经过 发生的过程 就ok了~


describe something interesting happened to you
然后你随便选anything interesting 当然,即使不interesting 只要你认为interesting那它就是interesting。
I never expected anything interesting would happen to me, but that day it did happen!
A rabbit ran into my sight, made a sh(i)t, then ran away, wow, that was as interesting as hell!
Maybe you don't agree with me, but you don't actually know what the f(u)ck I think interesting, I offered my idea of interest tendence not for your agreement but trying to tell you, you over-the-hill, do-gooder son of a b(i)tch never have the power to order me to be interested in anything, anything! got it ? Jerk loser.
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