
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 05:32:46
that’s why I could pass the competitive entrance examination and accepted by No.1 High School , which is the top High School in XX.

that's why i could pass the competitive entrance examination and get accepted by No.1 High School, which is the top high school in XX.
你的句子中accepted 前面少了be动词,当然除了用be 也可以用get

另:个人认为用which 从句不罗嗦,相反,它有突出和强调的作用。

且如四楼所说,用be admitted to 比be accepted 更地道一些

That's why I could pass the competitive entrance examination and get admitted to No.1 High school, which is the top high school in XX.

which is ??错误


that is the reason i am capable to pass the competitive admission examination and eventually committed by the premier No.1 high school

你那样写太啰嗦了,改这样:that’s why I could pass the competitive entrance examination and accepted by the top High School in XX.

而且如果是我就写be admitted by