
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 12:10:56
关于春节的传说:古时候,有一种叫做"年"的凶猛怪兽,每到腊月三十,便窜村挨户,觅食人肉,残害生灵。有一个腊月 三十晚上,"年"到了一个村庄,适逢两个牧童在比赛牛鞭子。"年"忽闻半空中响起了啪啪的鞭声,吓得望风而逃。它窜到另一个村庄,又迎头望到了一家门口晒着件大红衣裳,它不知其为何物,吓得赶紧掉头逃跑。后来它又来到了一个村庄,朝一户人家门里一瞧,只见里面灯火辉煌,刺得它头昏眼花,只好又夹着尾巴溜了。人们由此摸准了"年"有怕响,怕红,怕光的弱点,便想到许多抵御它的方法,于是逐渐演化成今天过年的风俗。

There's a legend about the NewYear.In ancient time,a monster named Nian was quite ferocious.He went out,surch and hurt lives in every December.At a 30s' night December.Nian reached a village,while two vaqueros were playing a game which have to use whip.Nian suddenly heard the sound of the whip,he scared and escaped very quickly.Later on,he reached another village.He looked a house through its' window.The bright light let him feel so giddy,then he run away again.People then conclude that Nian was afread of sound and the red color.So they thought lots of ways to resist him.The custom of celebrate the NewYear was founded gradual since that time.


About Spring Festival's fable :Ancient times(at ancient),One kind of named (called)" year(nian) " fierce monster,When December 30 ,Then flees the village door to door ,look fors(find) peopie and meat.[这句太难,只好用直接的翻译,也许有点错...但是不会太错.]Cruel