请英语高手翻译两段话 拒绝机器翻译 急急急!!1

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 04:19:50
摘 要:浙江中小企业在经过了早期的原始积累和近期的飞速发展后。目前大都面临着如何突破临界状态,进入新的高速发展阶段的问题。而网络经济的出现,使我们找到了突破这种临界状志的方法—网络营销。随着现代网络技术和通信技术的飞速发展,浙江中小企业利用网络营销来提升企业形象,获取信息,从而缩小企业的成本,提升了企业的利润,网络营销已经成为不少中小企业不可缺少的业务工具,企业利用互联网有效的展开网络营销活动,寻找新的商机,已成为一种必然选择。


Abstract:after the early period of capital accumulation and recent leap, middle&small-sized enterprises in Zhejiang Province are facing a problem how to break through the critical state and step into high-speed developing. The emerge of internet economy points us a way to break it through that is internet promotion.Because of the rapid development of morden internet technology and communication, those Zhejiang enterprises utilize internet promotion to raise their status, to get information so as to decrease their cost and increase profits. Internet promotion has become indispensable business tool for a lot of enterprises which use the net to carry out business promotion, to find new business offer, so on and so forth. Generally, internet has more and more become an inevitable promotion choice.

Currently, internet promotion of middle&small-sized enterprises in Zhejiang is still on its starting stage. Those enterprises are still lack of full and correct understanding to int