
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:13:52

There are many places of historic interest in Suzhou.

Suzhou enjoys its amounts of scenic spots and historical sites.

虎丘 Tiger Hill
拙政园 Humble Adminstrator's Garden
留园 Lingering Garden
网师园 Master of Nets Garden
怡园 Joyous Garden
运河 The Grand Canal
寒山寺 Cold Mountain Temple
狮子林 Lion Forest Garden
丝绸博物馆 Silk Museum

The Lion Grove Garden/The Lion Forest Garden 狮子林
The Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政园
The Canglang Pavilion/The Blue Waves Pavilion/The Surging Waves Pavilion 沧浪亭
The Cold Mountain Temple 寒山寺
The West Garden 西园
The Tiger Hill 虎丘
The Lingering Garden 留园
Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty 环秀山庄
The Retreat and Reflection Garden/The Garden of Quiet Meditation 退思园
The Master-of-Nets Garden/The Garden of the Master of Nets/The Garden of the Fisherman 网师园
The Garden of Cultivation 艺圃
The Couple's Garden Retreat 藕园
The Garden o