跪求翻译 谁能帮我翻译一下下面的这一段话啊 非常感谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 16:19:28
facebook: just read some letters sent to warner office by my fans and i happen to have found that one ( a fan form cananda)of them has added a 'so called' fiona on facebook and have been talking to that fake one for a long time and sending whoever that person is emails... just want to inform you all that that person is not me ..... just don't want you guys to be talking to a fake fiona... he or she would post profiles and things on her facebook even about prayers to god and etc. etc. making it sound like it's me.... but then again thanks for caring and sharing all your thoughts with me.... that fan had in the end printed out all her writingste the fake fiona and mailed it to me.... dont' want any of you to be cheated out there....
: )就是这些话 谢谢 FIONA是人名

Facebook: 我刚刚看到一些由我粉丝发送至警告中心的信件。 我恰巧发现他们中的一个人(一名来自加拿大的粉丝)在facebook添加了一名叫做fiona的好友,同时同这个所谓的fiona网聊了很长一段时间,也散发了相当多的电子邮件。我只是想通知各位这个所谓的fiona并不是我本人。只是想让你们大家不要和一个假的fiona交谈。 他/她会将简介和一些东西贴在他/她的facebook上面,甚至有些是关于向上帝的祈祷。使所有的东西看起来像我。 但是再一次感谢大家关心我,同我分享你们的想法。 请最后希望那个粉丝能够找出所有同假fiona的信件,并发给我。 不想你们中的任何一个人被欺骗。