
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:22:08
Dear Sir or Madam:

Mr.Tangyang, a student from the Nanjing Normal University, the most respected institution of higher education in this country, (不要认为这一句是可有可无的,洋教授对中国大学的了解非常有限,他们往往不清楚我国各个大学的优劣。) has asked me to recommend him for graduate studies in economics at your university. I take pleasure in doing so.

Mr. Tang worked as an intern in my department between September and November of 2007, with the responsibility of sorting out documentary materials partly in preparation for President Jiang's visit to the United States. As the US is China's largest trading partner, the amount of our material relating to the Sino-US trade was really hefty. We needed someone who was responsible, well versed in economics and knew English well to help us. Mr. Jing easily met our requirements and worked with us for three months under the direction of my colleagues and myself.(这两句非常巧妙地突出了被推荐人的长处。一些expressions,如"well versed","easily"值得读者借鉴。)

His m

第一句话错了,Mr Tang Yang 2个字的名字开头都要大写的,你为什么不去问你们学校的老师呢?时间有限,我会慢慢帮助你的
