
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 03:32:44
你好 陈先生 很高兴昨天与你的洽谈,你所提到的问题我们会尽快了解清楚,希望我们以后有更多的合作机会合作.

Dear Mr.Chen,

Good morning/afternoon!

It's a pleasant talk with you yesterday. We'll investigate the problems that you mentioned yestereday. We sincerely hope that we would have more opportunities to cooperate with each other in the future.

How are you Mr. Chen is very pleased with your talk yesterday, you mentioned the problem we will as soon as possible and try to find out, I hope we will have more opportunities for cooperation cooperation

Dear Mr Chen:

I was glad to talk with you yesterday.We will get to know questions you mentioned .Hope we will have more chance to cooperate.

how are you Mr.Chen.it was pleasure talking with you yesterday,about the question you mentioned we will make it clear as soon as possible.
hope we can have more cooperation opportunities in the future.