
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 22:25:09
The officer told me that I have a chance of telephone interview. Thanks for admission committee can give me this precious opportunity.I would ask you about interview arrangement.To me, anytime is ok.


The officer told me that I can have a telephone interview. Thanks the committee for giving me such a good opportunity. I will follow up with you for the interview arrangement, anytime works for me.

The officer told me that I have a chance of telephone interview.

The officer told me that I [had] a chance of [a] telephone interview. Thanks for this precious opportunity [given by the admission committee](这样说比较正式,有礼). I would ask you about [the] interview arrangement.To me, anytime is [available].

The officer told me that I had a chance of a telephone interview. Thanks for the committee . They gave me this precious opportunity. I would ask you about the interview arrangement.To me, anytime is available.

第二句开头应该用i appreciate带起。后面这么写and,later i would call you for some detail,OK?i am available to you,anytime
