on afters-chool activity什么意思

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 22:33:31

on after-school activity 就是课后有什么活动 看样子就是要写 放学后你都干了些什么东东
I am always waitting for the after-school times,cause I have so many happy things to do during that time.First I would finish my housework so that I would fully enjoy my left time without any presure. Then I would turn on my computer to see the latest comic I like and the international news,I want to know what happan between our country and others,and the news is bad or good for our motherland
,I really love my country.
Then after my online life I have to have dinner with my family,
and befor my getting ready to sleep I'd love to reading books on society.
The last thing of a day is have a good dream.

