
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 13:49:01

"这些安全装置将完全可靠地保证乘客在乘坐电梯时的人身安全。通常情况下电梯的故障可以分为两种,一种是可恢复性故障,即当电梯发生故障后经系统监测电梯还是处于可以安全停靠的状态下,电梯就会同步运行至就近楼层,且电梯门自动打开(因高区电梯从45F到4F之间无停靠楼层,电梯内楼层会从45F直接显示到4F,所以当电梯发生紧急停车后,乘客由于受到失重状态且电梯门久久不能打开而感到恐惧,常常会误以为电梯发生了坠落)。另一种是不可恢复性故障,就是当电梯发生故障,经过检测不能再运行,电梯就会停止在故障位置且电梯门不会自动打开,继而等待专业技术人员的安全救援,这些措施都是为了在安全上保证电梯内的乘客不受到人身安全的威胁的重要技术手段。。 "

These safety devices will be completely reliable guarantee passengers ride the elevator safety. Under normal circumstances Elevator Fault can be divided into two kinds of failures are recoverable, that is, when the elevator broke down after the system monitoring elevator or can be safely docked in the state, the lift will be synchronized to run to the nearest floor, and elevator automatically open the door (because of the high-zone elevator from 45F to 4F between the non-call floor, the elevator floor display directly from 45F to 4F, so when an emergency occurs Elevator After stopping, the passengers due to weightlessness and the elevator door open for a long time should not felt fear, often have a false impression that the fall happened elevator). Another fault is not restorative, that is, when the elevator broke down, after detecting no longer running, the lift will stop at the fault location and the elevator door does not automatically open, and then wait for the safety of profes