
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 08:00:55
The study of these visible aspects of Chinese life will naturally lead to an inquiry into the subtler and less known problems of Chinese culture, especially in the field of art, with an outlook and a history of development peculiar to the Chinese people and totally different from the West.
The Chinese culture is one of the truly indigenous cultures of the world, and as such will be found to offer many interesting points of comparison with Western culture.
For culture is a product of leisure, and the Chinese have had the immense leisure of three thousand years to develop it.

In these three thousand years they have had plenty of time to drink tea and look at life quietly over their teacups, and from the gossip over the teacups they have boiled life down to its essence.
They have had plenty of time, too, to discuss their forefathers, to ponder over their achievements and to review the successive changes of the modes of art and of life, and to see the


有时,当“酒香味,茶以及酿造, ”烟雨唱歌的水壶和潺潺的春天,幸福的思想来到中国,并每隔约五百年,或根据部队形势的变化,他们的心中成为一个新的创意和发现了无论是在米的诗歌或改善瓷器,或在艺术嫁接梨树,国家转移。