
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:49:09
费用表是做成一年12份,每月一份;还是一年只需要一张总表这样呢? 做成12份的话,可以看出各月的变化呢。这些发票以后要编制凭证吗?凭证的话是按月归类还是按种类归类?



Should the expenses statement be made monthly or yearly?
If made monthly, variance could be shown.
Should these invoices be documented?
Should the documents be sorted out by month or by category?
Excuse me, which category should it be sorted into?
Microwave oven.

The expense table makes one year 12, every month; Is one year only needs a master list like this? Makes 12 words, may see each month the change. These receipts later must establish the certificate? The certificate words are classify monthly or according to the type classification? ask that which one item this belongs to? microwave oven.

The expenses bills had been made 12 copies per year.One bill of a month and the total bill of a hole year,which one is better?You can find the changes from every month if you made the bills into 12 copies.Do you want some evidence of this receipts?IF the evidence to be classified by subject or by the month time?

Excuse me?How can this be class