帮忙翻译5 要通顺

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 16:28:20
This strategy is not only suboptimal from a mechatronic
point of view, but can also be misleading, as it neglects
the influence of the flexibility of the bearing plate on the
performance of the bearing. On the one hand, the plate should
be as flexible as possible, in order to get the maximum stroke
possible from the piezoelectric actuators. On the other hand,
the pressure in the air gap will make this plate deform,
reducing the conicity (eventually making it even negative)
and producing a wavy profile in between the actuators. This
deformation produced by the pressure will adversely modify
the pressure distribution, thus a high stiffness is desirable to
reduce this effect.
