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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 19:35:02
4. 2 教学常规管理内容
4. 2. 1 教研活动(Attending Meetings) 为确保这支国际教师队伍成员间交流与合作的畅通,应明确需两周举行一次课程教研会议,要求外籍教师准时参加。目的在于讨论教学中出现的问题及学生的有关事宜。
4. 2. 2 考试( Examinations) 要求所有外籍教师在一学期需举行期中和期末两次考试。如两个或两个以上教师教授同一门课程,且教学对象一样,他们应商讨合制一份命题统一的考题。其格式、试题类型、考试内容等应在规范化的前提下有所创新。
4. 2. 3 教学守时( Time - keeping) 每个外籍教师都应遵守上课时间,不迟到,不早退。
4. 2. 4 教学辅导时间(Office Hour) 每个外籍教师应给学生和中国英语教师提供解答问题的机会,时间每周固定。外籍教师应排出两小时的时间在办公室与他们见面。
4. 2. 5 相互听课交流(Peer observation) 作为教师个人教学业务提高的一部分,每位外籍教师每学期需参加一次同事的课堂讲授活动,并提拱非正式的反馈意见,同时与同事进行广泛交流。要求大家把反馈意见用简单的书面形式递交外语系。

小翻 ~。~ |||

Conventional management of teaching content

Attending Meetings :to ensure the Exchange and Cooperation proceed smoothly between the members of the international teachers,we should hold a meeting to reserch curiiculum and eucation. It requires that The foreign teachers take prart in on time.The purpose is to discuss the problem arising from teaching and related issues about students.

Examinations:It requires that all foreign teachers hold mid-term and end examinations in one semester.

Time - keeping: Each foreign teachers should comply with the schooltime, never be late, never leave early.

Office Hour: Each foreign teachers should provide tow hours to answer questions from students and chinese English teachers, and the time should be fixed every week.

Peer observation: to improve the teaching ability, each foreign teachers should join an activity to talk about the teahing method with your colleagues. Exch