中国人重视 英语

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 20:37:22
请帮忙翻译一个句子“ 中国人向来非常重视教育 尤其是儿童的早期教育 在孩子上幼儿园时 就戴着孩子去参加各种补习班 ”

中国人向来非常重视教育 尤其是儿童的早期教育 在孩子上幼儿园时 就戴着孩子去参加各种补习班
Education, especially the early education of children, is always given too much importance by Chinese parents. Therefore kids are forced to attend all kinds of training class from their nursery school years.


Chinese takes education seriously all along very much, especially children's early education 。 participating in various classes for supplementary the kindergarten time。

Chinese peaple always pay much attention to education,especialy kids'early education.when their kids were in kindergarten, they took their kids to joined all kinds of training.

chinese have focus a lot on education, especially children's early education. when the kids at the age of going to kindergarden, we take them to different cram classes

Chinese have long paid a high attention to education, especially to the primary education of children. They bring their children to various kinds of classes whe