
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 16:41:49
1.明天天气晴朗。如果是这样的话 ,我就去海边(if省略句)
2.我们这么久都没有收到他的邮件,你认为他出了什么事?(do you think作插入语)
3.他总是第一个来,最后一个走(the first to do)
4.科学家们正致力于将载人飞船送上火星。(work on)
5.尽管她们是双胞胎,她们丝毫没有共同之处(have...in common)


1 Tomorrow will be shining. If it is so ,I will go to the beach.
2 We haven't heard from him for so long. What do you think is wrong with him?
3 He is always the first to come and the last to go .
4 Scientists are working on sending people to the Mars with human-carrying spaceship.
5 Though they are twin sisters. They have nothing in common.

1.tomorrow is a sunny day. If so, I will go to beach.
2. we have not received his mail for such a long time, Do you think he has problem?
3. He is the first to be here, and the last to be back.
4. Scientists are working on sending manned spacecraft to Mars.
5. Although they are twins, they have nothing in common.

Tomorrow is a fine day.lf that is true,I will go to the seaside.Although they are twins,they have nothing in common.没空间了