那个高手帮忙翻译一下 关于商务英语谈判的.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 21:15:35
抗, 也会发生许多突变, 谈判人员只有具备良好的心理素质,
才能承受住各种压力和挑战, 取得最后的胜利。他们所需要
的心理素质主要包括: 1.自信心。自信心是谈判者最重要的心
理素质。自信心的获得是建立在充分调查研究的基础上, 建
立在对谈判双方实力的科学分析的基础上, 而不是盲目地自
信, 更不是藐视对方轻视困难。固执自己错误的所谓自信是
有害的。自制力。谈判过程中难免会由于双方利益的冲突而形成紧张、对立、僵持、争执的局面, 如果谈判者自制力差, 出
现过分的情绪波动, 就会破坏良好的谈判气氛, 造成自己举
止失态, 表达不当, 使谈判不能进行下去, 或草草收场, 败下
阵来。谈判者具备良好的自制力, 在谈判顺利时不会盲目乐
观, 喜形于色; 在遇到困难时也不会灰心丧气, 怨天尤人; 在
遇到不礼貌的言行时, 也能够克制自己不发脾气。3.懂得尊
重。在谈判中只有互相尊重, 平等相待, 才可能保证合作成
功。所以谈判者首先要有自尊心, 维护已方的尊严和利益, 面
对强大的对手不妄自菲薄, 奴颜献媚, 更不会出卖尊严换取
交易。但同时谈判者还要尊重对方, 尊重对方的利益, 尊重对
方的意见, 尤其是其宗教信仰和生活习惯。

Second, psychological quality aspect. Will meet each kind of resistance and to in the negotiation process anti-, also will have many sudden changes, the negotiations personnel only then has the good psychological quality, can withstand each pressure and the challenge, will gain the final victory. They need the psychological quality mainly to include: 1. self-confidence. The self-confidence is treater most important heart the principle quality. Self-confidence acquisition is the establishment in the full investigation and study foundation, constructs to stand to the negotiations both sides strength scientific analysis foundation, but is not blindly from the letter, is not despises opposite party to despise the difficulty. Tenacious wrong so-called self-confident are is harmful. Self-control. In the negotiation process will form, the opposition as a result of the bilateral benefit conflict, to refuse to compromise intensely unavoidably, the dispute aspect, if the treater self-control