关于商务谈判英语的翻译 请高手帮忙!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 17:33:40
(4)绅士,淑女—— 一位优秀的商务谈判者首先必须是一位绅士或淑女。绅士和淑女的意思人人皆知,用普通商务语言的话说则是:看着像绅士、淑女,听着像绅士、淑女,做事像绅士、淑女。也就是说,作为一位商务谈判者,你必须在穿着、说话和做事方面显得有教养,尊重别人。这样,你的谈判对手才能尊重你。也只有在尊重的基础上,谈判才能进行下去。可以说,这是成功谈判的第一关。有人说,穿衣戴帽,个人所好。在日常生活中,这是对的。可在商务谈判中,这却是错的。有些人因为这个,还付出了很大的代价.比如: 有一次和德国人谈一笔割草机的出口合同,德国人男士个个都西装革足,女士个个都穿职业装,而我方除部分人员穿西服外,大多数都穿体闲服,有的甚至穿工作服。此合同没有签,其中一个重要原因是德国人认为我们不尊重他们。

Moral quality - (1) team spirit - the negotiations should be a "generalist", that is proficient in a particular area of expertise at the same time, pass the other house a wide range of common sense. Otherwise it is very difficult to adapt to the negotiations. Of course, "No gold is entirely pure and no man is perfect", and truly is a wholly non-existent, which only required a number of partial mutual complement Kang, complement each other to create synergy, in order to produce a multiplier of personal strength, so the negotiations among the members cooperation is very important, otherwise, would have been to seize the other side weaknesses. Give a strong attack.
(4), gentleman, ladies - a good business negotiators must first be a gentleman or lady. The meaning of a gentleman and a lady known to use ordinary language as saying that business is: looking like a gentleman, ladies, listening to, like a gentleman, ladies, do as the gentleman, ladies. In other wor