I love you。 I need you 。baby you know 。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:09:47
I love you。 I need you 。baby you know ,我说我喜欢在你耳边说句悄悄话,你说这种感觉要好过收到了鲜花。如果是命中注定谁不能改变。要用什么方法去面对将来。

I love you. I need you. baby you know,

I say I like whisspering in your ear.

You say such feeling just likes receiving flowers.

If the fate determines that none of us can change.

But in what way we can use when facing the future?

I love you.I need you.Baby you know.
I said i like to whisper to you near your ears.you said this feeling is better than flowers you received.if it is doomed that no one can change anything. how to face the future

I love you, I need you. Baby you know that. I said that I like to whisper to you, because you like the feeling much better than receving the flower I gave to you. If our destiney can't not be changed, how can we face the future.