
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 12:05:28
歌曲里男的唱oh baby girl 然后女的有一句 oh my babby boy~
中文歌曲, oh my baby girl 应该是高潮部分吧

这是首英文歌 还是中文歌阿


Sixteen Going On Seventeen /Rolf and Liesl
即将十七岁/ 洛夫和丽莎

You wait, little girl, on an empty stage
For fate to turn the light on
Your life, little girl, is an empty page
That men will want to write on

To write on

You are sixteen going on seventeen
Baby, it's time to think
Better beware, be canny and careful
Baby, you're on the brink

You are sixteen going on seventeen
Fellows will fall in line
Eager young lads and rogues and cads
Will offer you food and wine

Totally unprepared are you
To face a world of men
Timid and shy and scared are you
Of things beyond your ken

You need someone older an wiser
Telling you what to do
I am seventeen going on eighteen
I'll take care of you

I am sixteen going on seventeen
I know that I'