
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:13:45
2. 适用范围:
3. 职责:
4. 工作程序:
4.1 A由员工直接选举产生。
4.2 A的基本要求为遵守公司规章制度、遵守国家法律法规、作风正派,热心为员工服务,身体健康,有一定文化水平和组织、管理能力的员工。
4.3 由各车间按以上标准推选候选人。
4.4 将推选好的候选人张榜公布,准备选举。
4.5 集合全体员工,由员工不记名投票选举A。前6位票数多的当选为A。
4.6 以威胁、贿赂、伪造选票等不正当手段当选的无效。
4.7 选举结果由公司公告3天生效,并由总裁签字任命。
4.8 A应保证每3个月最少举行一次会议,就员工的生产、生活问题进行讨论分析。
4.9 A拥有与普通员工一样的义务与权利,不享有特权。
5. 记录

1. Objective: To standardize the A election, to protect the employees exercise their democratic rights in accordance with the law, enactment of this approach.
2. Application: This procedure applies to all employees of the Company
3. Duties: A company responsible for the elections, publicity, supervision of Human Resources is responsible for A job.
4. Working procedures:
4.1 A directly elected by the employees. 4.2 A basic requirement in order to comply with company rules and regulations, comply with state laws and regulations, upright style, enthusiasm for staff services, good health, have a certain level of education and organizations, management capacity of staff.
4.3 by the workshop in accordance with the selection of candidates for the above criteria.
4.4 will be the selection of good candidates announced the election preparation.
4.5 Collection of all employees, from among the employees by secret ballot elections A. 6 votes before the elect