
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:05:19

Batista他的自传是“Batista unleashed”2007年10月16日上市,是由Simon & Shuster出版的。Eric Bischoff自传的合著者 而Jeremy Roberts也将成为这本书的合著者。

Batista 于2007年10月29日在新泽西替他的自传"Batista Unleashed"举行签名会。 该自传书在2007年10月16日正式发售。

2007年11月20日Batista的自传在纽约时报畅销书榜上排名32, Y2J的新书则冲到22。


Dave Batista's story is that of a kid who could have gone either way; and it was wrestling that provided

him with a way out and up. As a teenager he found himself in trouble with the law, later drifting from job

to job until, while working as a bouncer, his temper got the better of him and he attacked two patrons

who were giving his colleagues a hard time. It was this incident that made him decide to turn his life


A hardscrabble wrestler who had been told that he didn't have what it took to make it in professional

wrestling, Batista took that as a personal challenge and signed with WWE. His determina