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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:09:48
1 连一些积极的自然资源保护论者都承认,随着人口的膨胀、消耗更多的自然资源、引起气候的变化,以及造成大量害虫和捕食动物的迁移等,地球上的生物多样性肯定不会完全地持续下去

2 生态系统的一小部分可以小到何种程度仍能维持其完整、丰富的功能,从而可以认为是受到了保护呢?

3 在全球生物多样性减少的过程中,把生物有机体和基因保存在诸如动物园、基因库之类的地方是一种有效的保全策略吗?

4 另一方面,寻求最小可行栖地的人们或试图扩大现有档案库作为一种保全策略的人们则说,最近的趋势已经表明,旧的保护策略不再够用了。

5 在大量的调查结果中,上周出版的一篇关于生活在绿地较低层的鸟类的分析报告发现,至少需要一块2500英亩的森林区域——相当于实验中划出来的最大的一块试验区的10倍——才能防止那些鸟类的品种在仅仅15年左右的时间里减少50%。




1. Even those active advocates for natural resources conservation admit, with the increase of human population, which causes the climate changes and the results of large quantity of pests and the migration of their prey, etc., it is for sure that biodiversity on Earth will not continue.

2. How small can the level of the tiny portion of ecosystem can be and still maintains its complete and rich functions, thus to be considered as being protected?

3. In the course of the decline of global biodiversity, will it be an effective conservation strategy to preserve the genes of organisms in places such as zoos and gene banks?

4. One the other hand, those who pursue the minimum viable habitats or those who attempt to expand the current archive bank as a conservation strategy would state that the recent trends have shown that the old conservation strategy is no longer adequate.

5. Results from numerous research, published last week in an analytical