
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 15:30:52

Mr.Luxun once said:"The great acheievement is directly proportional to efforts you pay, the more you pay the more you will get, as your efforts accumulate little by little, the miracle will then be worked out "
To"飞花~~",且不说你大家翻译的怎么样,但是尽力了,你说我们词语堆砌?这个就不认同了,姑且就说你这个“How many achievements we get, mainly depends on how hard we have worked”,这个是经典的中文。没人这么说的

Mr. Lu Xun once said: "Great achievement is directly proportional to hard work, every work has every gain, cumulations from less to more, then miracle be created."

Mr. Lu Xun once said: "great accomplishments and hard work is directly proportional to, a labor have a harvest, over time, from less to more than a miracle can be created."

Luxun,a master of writing, had said that, "how many achievements we get, mainly depends on how hard we have worked. No pains, no gains. Little by little, we will phase in miracles.


Mr. Lu Xun had once spoken: