
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 09:28:30
1,That is ______________________ (他出生和长大的地方)
2,The problem is ____________________(我们买不起这座大房子)
3,The difficulty for us is _______________(怎样能减少噪音)
4.The most important thing for them is__________(他们应当充分利用本地自然资源来发展地方经济)

It is known that oil reserves will not last forever.
This knowledge has come as a shok.

1,That is where he was born and raised.

2,The problem is that we cannot afford this big house.

3,The difficulty for us is how to reduse noise.

4.The most important thing for them is that they should make full use of local natural resources to develop economy.


Thhis knowledge has come as a shock that oil reserves will not last for ever.

the place he was born and grew up
that we can not afford the big house
that how we can reduce the noise
that they should make full use of the local natural resources to develop their economy
This knowledge has come as a shok that oil reserves will not last forever

1.the place where he was born and grown up

2.that we can not afford the big house

3.how we can reduce the noise

4.that they should make full use of the local natural resources to develop their economy

5.This knowledge that oil reserves will not last