
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 02:52:49

east,west,home is best!
east,west,home is best!
east,west,home is best!
east,west,home is best!

And it was at that age就在那时
Poetry arrived in search of me诗意觅我而来
I don’t know, I don’t know我不清楚,我不明白
Where it came from它从何方寻来
From winter or a river? 或是寒冬?或是河流?
I don’t know how or when我不知道它是如何,又是何时到来
No, they were not voices不,那不是声音
They were not words, nor silence不是文字,更非寂静
But from a street I was那是街头长夜不时的召唤
summoned from the branches of night蓦地它来了
Among violent fires or returning alone在狂野眩目的星火中,在寂寞归家的路上
There I was without a face and it touched me我好似迷茫而恍惚,迷离中被它攫住
I did not know what to say无以名状
My mouth had no way with names难以言述
My eyes were blind and something started in my soul视线模糊,灵魂开始了异动
Fever or forgotten wings灼热与被遗忘的羽翼
And I made my own way deciphering that fire我试图诠释那一团火簇
And I wrote the first faint line于是我写下第一行苍白的诗句
Faint without substance苍白得飘渺
Pure nonsense, pure wi