
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 03:22:20
我是档案专业大三的学生,现在很想考一个翻译证书,如果笔译要准备很久的话,我就只打算考口译。已过4 6级,口语还可以。喜欢翻译,想开始学习。现在社会上有三种翻译证书,人事部办的,教育部办的和上海的。请问一下这三种考试哪种可以只考口译,还有准备笔译也很难吗。我不知道应该考那种证,不过我希望自己以后可以开始接触翻译工作,慢慢学精,不知道哪个更适合我,还有需不需要报班。请高人指点,请勿复制网页。

My files are a professional junior students, and now want to test a translation certificate, if the translation should be ready a long time, I only intend to test interpretation. Passed 4 6 class, can also be spoken. Translate enjoy, want to start learning. Now the society has three types of translation certificate, run by the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Education and Shanghai Office. To ask which of these three examinations can only test interpretation, and translation is also difficult to prepare it. I do not know the kind of evidence should be test, but I hope that after their exposure to the translation work can begin, and slowly learn fine, I do not know which is more suitable for me, there is need classes reported. Expert advice, please, please do not copy the page.