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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:20:59
20日美国又一家银行倒闭,至此 美国今年头两个月内倒闭的银行数目已上升至14家。据统计,美国去年共有25家银行倒闭,超过此前5年的总和。
美国《外交政策》月刊日前发表文章列出了金融危机的13个意外副作用,其中有些是好的 比如说全球变暖的速度将放缓,有些则不乐观,比如说政府会更容易腐败。

Many big events have happenned last year. One of the most important is the world financial crisis.
On 20th, another American bank closed down. By this time, the number of bank that closed down in America has increased by 14 in the first two months. According to the statistics, 25 American bank bust up last year and the number is equal to the total of last five years'.
Recently, American 《 Foreign Policy》published an article to list the 13 unexpected side effects. Some of them are active, for example, the step of global warming will slow down. The others are not good, like the government may become more corrupt.
Anyway, the world financial crisis brings plenty of penalties.
During her visit to China, Hillary Clinton said to Wenjiaba that she wish China buy American bond continuely. This can help American economy returns to the right way, and improve American import Chinese goods.

Many big events happened last year,