
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/14 17:35:41
She was arrested in 1991 for robbing a video store in Las Vegas but was placed on probation. The following year, Dana was, again, arrested for forging a prescription for Valium. Things were at a low ebb. She had just finished an interview with Howard Stern, in the spring of 1999, when she and her fiancé, Robert Menchaca, were headed back to California. The interview was one in which Dana hoped to revive her stalled career. They stopped at his parents house in Moore, Oklahoma, for a weekend Mother's Day visit before continuing on to California. On Saturday, May 8, 1999, Dana died of what appeared to be an accidental overdose of a painkiller called Loritab. Later, on May 21, a coroner's inquest ruled her death a suicide due to a large amount of drugs in her body and her history of past suicide attempts. She was 34 years old.


1991年她因打劫音像店被捕但判处缓刑. 第二年Dana又因伪造安定药处方再次被捕. 事情发展越来越不顺. 1999年春天她在接受Howard Stern采访后,与其未婚夫Robert Menchaca开车回加州. 这次采访中,Dana表示要在事业上东山再起. 他们在俄克拉荷马的Moore她父母的住所外住下. 在过一个母亲节周末后在继续开往加州. 1999年5月8日,星期六, Dana死于过量服用止痛药Loritab. 在5月21日验尸官基于其尸体中药物的量以及她曾有过的尝试自杀史宣布她死亡的原因是自杀 .她死时年方34.