
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 11:38:16
用:what why how ofen where which when

what is your favourite animal(你最喜欢的动物是什么?)——dogs(狗)

why are you laughing?(你为什么要大笑)——because i have get full mark in the test(因为我在测试中得了满分)

how are you?(你怎么样?)——fine。(很好)

how often do you go swimming?(你多久去游一次泳)——once a week(每周一次)

which book do you like best?(哪一本书你最喜欢?)——the first one(第一本)

when do you go to bed everyday?(你每天几点睡觉?)——at nine o'clock(在9点。)

What are you doing?
I am watching TV.

Why does she don't go to school?
Because she has a fever.

How often do you watch TV?
I watch TV twice a week.

Where are you going?
I am going to Beijing.

Which is your pen?
A red pen.

When do you eat dinner?
I eat dinner at six o'clock.

ls there a supeymarket?------------Yes,there is. /No there isn't

where's the park?------------it's on center street.