
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 03:06:52
2. Overview of defect acceptance criteria for corroded pipelines
Experimental studies and in situ observations consistently reveal that plastic collapse is the dominant failure mode for thinwalled pressurized pipes with crack-like flaws including corrosion defects. In this regime, cracked or flawed pipes and cylindrical vessels made of a hardening material, such as pipeline grade
structural steels, can withstand large increases in pressure loading following the beginning of yielding without substantial loss of its load bearing capacity. Conventional methodologies to define acceptance criteria for axially-oriented corrosion defects in gas and oil transmission pipelines have evolved primarily along two lines of development: approaches based upon a failure stress criteria derived from a fracture mechanics analysis of a planar (crack-like) flaw, and approaches based upon a plastic collapse analysis of
a cracked flaw. For ductile materials, however, both approaches reflect es

2 。概况缺损验收标准的腐蚀管道
裂纹缺陷。球墨铸铁材料,但是,这两种方法反映基本上是一个极限载荷解的薄壁管和圆柱形血管内部压力下的轴向裂纹(包括表面裂纹或通过厚度缺损) ,所以它们导致类似爆裂强度预测。
标准的极限载荷分析传统定义全球极限载荷(也称为净截面极限载荷)在流离失所成为无限或无限制地[ 16 ]从而增加非常迅速,很少或根本没有相应的增加,适用于装载。一旦达到这一点位移,结构达到最大承载能力。当一个表面裂纹状缺陷或表面腐蚀缺陷中存在的结构,图片变得更加复杂的极限载荷现在可以界定地方不稳定其余韧带提前裂纹或缺陷。虽然一些解决方案的极限载荷破获管和圆柱形的船只都可以在文献(例如,见[ 17-20 ] ) ,包括有限元解决方案(见参。 [ 13 ]为代表的解决方案) ,但仍存在着一定的一定程度的模糊性在确定极限载荷,特别是在案件腐蚀管道。

2. Overview of defect acceptance criteria for corroded pipelines
Experimental studies and in situ observations consistently reveal that plastic collapse is the dominant failure mode for thinwalled pressurized pipes with crack-like flaws including corrosion defects. In this regime, cracked or flawed pipes and cylindrical vessels made of a hardening material, such as pipel