关于macroeconomic: Why does society face a tradeoff if it accumulates more capital?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:15:32
a)In the long run, fewer consumption goods and services are available.
b)In the short run, fewer consumption goods and services are available.
answer is B

Captical accumulation最重要的就是saving rate, 一个特定的saving rate能把经济带到一个特定的equilibrium.
Output=Consumption+Saving+government spending+ NE(net export)
All else equal, 如果consumption增加, 那么saving减少, 这样子在long-run中saving-rate下降, output在longrun equilibrium也下降, output下降了, 自然income就下降了, consumption也就减少了.

(这是选择么...我也不清楚, 应该是A把... )

恩...我没有读题, 上面写的是accumulate more capital, 自然短期内consumption就减少, 所以output减少了. 我上面的解释一个道理, 只不过是解释反了.

Hope this helps