翻译 英译汉5

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 16:35:17
Schleiermacher’s theory anticipates these observations. He was keenly aware that translation strategies are situated in specifid cultural formations where discourses are canonized or marginalized, circulating in relations of domination and exclusion. Thus, the translation method that cultivates discursive peculiarities to imitate the foreignness of the foreign text “cannot thrive equally well in all languages, but only in those which are not the captives of too strict a bond of classical expression outside of which all is reprehensible”; the ideal site for this method is “languages which are freer, in which innovations and deviations are tolerated to a greater extent, in such a way that their accumulation may, under certain circumstances, generate a certain characteristic mode of expression”(79-80). This linguistic and cultural freedom is complexly determined: not only is it defined against the “bonded languages” of other national cultures, but the “innovations and deviations” of forei

施莱尔马赫的理论预测这些意见。他敏锐地意识到,翻译策略位于specifid文化形态,话语是圣人或边缘化,流通的统治关系和排斥。因此,翻译的方法,培养话语特点模仿foreignness外国文字“不能茁壮成长同样在所有语言,但只有在那些没有人质的过于严格的债券古典表达外,所有受到谴责” ;的理想场所这种方法是“语言的自由,在这种创新和偏差不能容忍在更大程度上,以这样一种方式,他们的积累可能会在某些情况下,产生了一定的特点表达方式” ( 79 - 80 ) 。这种语言和文化的自由complexly确定的:它不仅是指对“保税语文”的其他国家的文化,但“创新和偏差”的异化是指对所确定的规范其他翻译话语中的目标语言文化。自施莱尔马赫的宣传的异化方法也是一个宣传的论述具体到一个受过教育的精英,他是这个有限的社会投资团体,拥有相当的文化权力,甚至把它正确的社会功能,为“生成某些特征表达方式“ ,制定国家语言” ,影响整个文化的发展“ ( 80-81 ; ”死亡gesammte Geistesentwikkelung “ ( 231 ) ) 。在这里可以清楚地看到施正在鼓动他有幸翻译法在文化政治议程:一个受过教育的精英控制组成一个国家文化的精炼的语言,通过异化翻译。