
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 16:26:53
再则,鉴于我国企业内部审计现状及存在的突出问题,无论其定性定位、体制机制或方法方式等,都无法进一步适应现代企业制度要求与经济监督评价需要。内部审计与入世以来新要求的差距日益扩大,其局限性随着经济环境的不断变化则更加明显,因而急需对内部审计加以改进和完善,并谋求全方位、宽领域、高质量的发展, 提出了解决问题的对策。

First of all, of our internal audit work of the significance, functions and role of v..
And, analysis of China's enterprises to carry out internal audit work was recent, analysis of internal audit work of China's enterprises the main problems.
Furthermore, in view of the status quo of Chinese enterprises and the existence of internal audit of the outstanding problems, regardless of their qualitative positioning, institutional mechanisms or methods, etc., can further meet the needs of modern enterprise system and economic supervision and evaluation of the requirements necessary. Internal Audit and the new requirements of accession to the WTO since the widening gap, its limitations with the changing economic environment it is even more obvious, and thus an urgent need for internal audit to be improved and perfected, and seeks all-round, wide-area, high-quality development, the the solutions to this problem.
Finally, from a business point of view, the internal