
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 17:07:46
帮忙把这段话翻译成英文~~ “ 我慢慢开始堕落 早晨很晚起床 不上课 成天呆在网吧里玩CS 魔兽 或是和舍友没事聊天 我的数学 计算机 强项都退步了 结果期末的考试我还挂科了 我很恨自己”谢谢

It has been quite a while that I am fooling around by casting time away on net games till the end of last term, by the time of which some failed exams, most of them used to be my favorite courses like Maths and Computer Enginering, waked me up. I hate myself.

I slowly began to fall late morning to get up do not stay in school all day playing Internet bar of Warcraft CS and lodgers or nothing of my math computer chat strengths are moving backwards at the end of the examination results of my Branch is also linked to the I hate myself
