
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 17:31:26
作文是这样的` 今天早上tom起床看了钟发现自己快要迟到了` 怕去学校来不及`就随便弄了点吃的` 不过却把自己的手给弄伤了` 没办法就只能饿着肚子去上学`可跑出去时公车已经开走了`tom只能步行去学校了` 到了学校才发现今天是星期日` 你看懂了吗`

Tom got up this morning and found himself about to read the minutes of the `fear of being late to school too late to` just get on the point of `to eat but their own hands, however give a` no way hurt can only go to school hungry to run ` out when the bus has gone only on foot `tom` to go to school before the school discovered that today is Sunday