用compare to造句

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 22:53:46
用compare to造句还有 compare with

You`ll be compared to a gaint when you devote yourself to country.(当你无保留的为祖国贡献时,你就可以被比作一个巨人!)
Children shouldn`t be compared with adults.(孩子不应该拿来和大人一起比较)
前者compare to用作比作为...后者compare with比较。。。

comepare A with B 将A与B做比较

compare A to something 将A 比喻为......

You can't comepare your strong points with the weakpoints of others.
He often comepare his girlfriend to a rose.
She often compare his boy friend to a lion.

My classmates like to compare with me in terms of academic results.

Compared to Asians, Eurasians are whiter in skin colour