problemsof conditional pmf and conditional expected value

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 05:28:56
2. The number of winning tickets, X, in a group of 4 tickets is given by a binomial random variable with parameter p=0.125.

(a) Let B= {“at least two of the tickets are not winning tickets”}. Find the conditional pmf of X given B.

(b)Find the conditional expected value of X, given B.

2 。人数中奖彩票,第十,在一组4张是由二项式随机变量参数P值0.125 。

(一)设B = ( “至少两个门票不中奖彩票” ) 。找到有条件图谱的X给予湾

(二)查找条件期望值的X ,鉴于湾