
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:24:29
在明确“不能胜任工作”的内涵时,应该运用体系解释的方法,劳动者不能胜任工作的情况是《劳动合同法》第40条劳动者非过错解除合同的条文中的一款,分析该款在《劳动合同法》上的地位及前后条文的关联关系,以及过错在民法上的概念, 我们不难得出此处的劳动者不能胜任工作不包括劳动者主观因素。


: "Say the subjective and objective" to the subjective attitude of workers are also included, in line with the use of Chinese custom, but legal language has its particular logic of norms, in terms of daily life become law after the special terminology that has its special significance and different terminology and the general day-to-day, they should be in accordance with the law on the special significance of the interpretation. We discuss the question of Law to the attention of a lot of legal language and daily life must exist differences in language, in particular we need to be defined and interpreted the same vocabulary, depending on its normative statements in the context of, or appear in the truth of statements, may have different meanings.

In the clear "can not do the job," the connotation, the system should be applied to explain the method, the worker can not do the job situation is, "Labor Contract Law" Article 40 to terminate the c