
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/16 07:03:09


打开这个网址 然后 下载字幕文件 然后打开 找到红地毯的字母物件

然后 用 记事本打开 就是红地毯的台词了 是英语的

还有什么不懂 点在线交谈

Note] using the mouse to control the game wearing a small Moxiong odalisque through50 meters of the red carpet to help her get small people.

Red Carpet

red blanket

Now my beloved, step down from your chariot, and let not your foot, my lord, touch the Earth. Servants, let there be spread before the house he never expected to see, where Justice leads him in, a crimson path