
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 17:19:30
The data acquisition subsystem is a part of the APU control system including sensors, signal process circuits, and a data recorder. There are at least six quantities to be sensed, such as the engine speed, generator excitation current, AC phase current, battery current, APU output current and voltage.
The engine speed signal comes from the magneto-electric sensor on the diesel engine. This speed sensor is lost two teeth with sixty teeth. Its output sine signal needs to be converted into the same frequency square TTL signal received by the controller shown in Fig. 2. This is a voltage comparative circuit. And the negative voltage can be adjusted, which improves the anti-EMI ability. While, this circuit also adapts to the hall speed sensor.
The excitation current is acquired by a hall sensor, by which it is transformed to a voltage signal. The APU output current and voltage is converted into a current signal by hall sensors. And the battery current is done as the former. The ba

发动机转速信号来自于磁电传感器的柴油发动机。这速度传感器丢失两颗牙齿与第六十二牙齿。它的输出正弦信号需要转换成相同的频率平方米的TTL信号控制器收到的显示图。 2 。这是一个电压比较电路。和负电压可作调整,提高了抗电磁干扰能力。虽然,这条赛道也适应大会堂速度传感器。
励磁电流获取的霍尔传感器,通过它转化成电压信号。该辅助动力装置的输出电流和电压转换成电流信号的霍尔传感器。和电池电流是因为前者。基本电压处理电路所示图。 3 。这是一个一阶低通滤波器。如果有电流信号,它必须转换为电压信号,通过精确的阻力。仪表放大器是一种需要,因为电池都可以燃放及被起诉。同时,交流电流传感器的信号转化为0 - 5V的积极的信号,通过仪表放大器。