
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 12:42:49
1.保险金额:每人每次事故赔偿限额为10万元(人民币)(其中意外 事故导致身故、残疾的,最高赔偿限额为6万元(人民币)每人,18周岁以下(不含18周岁)及65周岁以上(不含65周岁)的因意外事故导致身故、残疾的,最高赔偿限额为5万元(人民币)每人;意外伤害医疗费最高赔偿限额为3万元(人民币)每人,丧葬费最高赔偿限额为1万元(人民币)每人。
2. 被保险人因遭受意外伤害事故并在医院进行治疗,本公司就其发生事故之日起180日内实际支出的合理医疗费用超过人民币100元(人民币)部分按90%的比例给付意外伤害医疗保险金。

To protect the participants travel security, attendees at social arrangements from my pre-, post-tourism and 3 23 - March 28 session, the Association has been my travel agent purchase liability insurance and comprehensive personal accident travel insurance (passenger accident insurance), travel personal accident insurance comprehensive specific breakdown is as follows:

1. Insurance rates: per person per accident limit for compensation for 10 million (RMB) (one of an accident resulting in death, disability, the maximum compensation limit of 6 million (RMB) per person 18 years of age (excluding 18 years of age) and more than 65 years of age (not including 65 years of age) because of an accident resulting in death, disability, the maximum compensation limit of 5 million (RMB) per person; accidental injury medical expenses for a maximum compensation limit of 3 million (RMB) each person, and funeral expenses for a maximum compensation limit of one million (RMB) per person. <