翻译英文 好心人帮忙啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 23:48:18
In the past,this type of measurement could only have been made with several separate instruments,using one as source to trigger the others at the point of interest.Uncertainty in the measurement, caused mainly by different signal and trigger path lengths, meant that precise time correlation between these instruments was virtually impossible,except perhaps by the use of a separate instrument controller and complicated time-domain deconvolution algorithms,to remove the effect of the cabling. Clearly,inaccuracies introduced by the measurement equipment from this type of uncertainty are unacceptable.The modular logic analyser is capable of doing this deconvolution internally,so that it is transparent to the user,who is now able to concentrate on the measurement and not on the equipment being used to make it.

In the area of stimulus-response testing,the modular logic analyser offers many new possibilities to both design and test development.In today’s designs,complete sub


