why is it so difficult to find a job?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 20:18:39
there are some reasons for difficulties in
finding job.first,credit crunch or economic
crisis,secondly,large population.thirdly,
there is something wrong with our employment
policy.like western countries,the government
should pour a large amount of money in
employment in the way to creat more jobs
instead of turning a blind eye to the issues.
since we have foreign currency reserve, why
not put this money into domestic market to
do some useful things instead of putting
it in the America banks accrue nothing.


first--- firstly (本来没有错,但是你后面用了secondly,thirdly 前面对应比较好)
finding job----finding a job
or ---- and
our employment policy?这个不是英文问题,但是our employment policy应该是company或者employer制定的,你这个意思看起来貌似是指国家或者政府制定的,所以我觉得有问题(人民的公仆除外)........何出此言?因为你用了our........如果你要解释后面政府投放资金,那个是解决失业问题的手段
in the way to ---- in order to
accrue词语用得不精确,另外最大的问题是两个谓语.......accrue nothing删除或者.......

should是不是应该换成had been 我随便说的奥 不知道对不对