
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 13:52:00
在情节转折的安排上也显得有些突兀——戏剧化的痕迹很重。片中有两次剧情陡转的安排,且采用了“所有的悲剧几乎同时发生”的戏剧化模式,具体来看:一次是由六儿被打、母亲逝世、姐夫俞江因工伤被送往医院急救所构成的剧情陡转;还有一次是由柱儿被关进派出所、残疾姑娘的死——六儿离家出走、姐夫俞江被发现有外遇所构成的剧情陡转。从叙事节奏来看,这一安排破坏了影片张弛有度的节奏感;从美学规律来看,它既破坏了影片和谐的美感,又不可避免地会引起观众对故事“真实性”的怀疑——因为它演绎了太多的“偶然性”因素。不仅如此,通过这两次情节陡转的影像段落,姐姐艳红被推到了前景位置,这些悲剧情境似乎都是专为她而设的,而且,片中反复出现的人的咏叹调(配乐),都仿佛在进一步诉说着这个女人的艰难与不易,善良与坚强。至此,小六的主人公位置开始受到质疑,在六儿故事的背后,似乎还演绎着另一个艰辛女人的故事,这也使本片的主题产生了一定的模糊性。再次,片中对柱儿长大后的叛逆、厌学、打架等情节的描述也显得累赘多余,且冲淡了主题。由此可见,导演王焕武在整个叙事的详略上,也有一些失衡之处。 总的来看,影片《小六》综合运用了边缘题材、民俗展示、文化意蕴几个创作要素,显示了青年导演王焕武不俗的创作潜力——尽管有些许不尽如人意的地方。在西安曲江电影双新展的庆典上,《小六》不仅被评为“推介影片”,而且一举囊括了晚会上的三项大奖,作为这次大会的“推介导演”,王焕武还获得了曲江影视集团为扶持新人所颁发的10万元的电影创作助推金,我们盼望着他有更多更好的作品问世。

Turning point in the circumstances of the arrangement also appears on some unexpected - the traces of heavy drama. Film has two plots steep transfer arrangements, and adopted the "all of the tragedy almost simultaneously," the dramatic mode, the specific point of view: one is being beaten by six children, his mother's death, brother-in-law was sent to the victims of industrial accidents俞江hospital emergency posed by the plot steep turn; are from another柱儿be thrown into the police station, the disabled girl's death - six children running away from home, brother-in-law was found to have an affair俞江posed by the plot steep turn. From the narrative rhythm of view, this arrangement undermines the film relaxation has degrees rhythm; law from an aesthetic point of view, it undermines the sense of beauty and harmony videos, but also inevitably lead to the audience the story of "authenticity" of suspected - because it is interpreted too many "accidental" f