There are

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 11:03:04
there are also one lab building and one dorm building 这句话为什么是对的 不是说there be就前一致么??
不知道请别胡说干扰我 谢谢 there is a book and a pencil-box on the desk 这个句子难道不是和前面得一样么 为什么不用就前一致么??

应该是 there is also one lab building and one dorm building
或者 there are also two lab buildings and one dorm building
lab building 是 be 的 object。
lab building 只有一个,后头叙述的跟 are 或 is 没什么关系。

there is also one lab building and one dorm building
there is a book and a pencil-box on the desk

Sorry ……

There BE 结构 有就近原则的用法,难道忘了?比如:
There is a book on the desk;
there is a book and a pencil-box on the desk.(注意就近的是 a )
there are two books on ……(就近的是 are)
记住! 这是经常遇到的……


